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Racing on a Highway Violations

Author: admin  //  Category: Fines, NJ Traffic Laws, Other, Speeding Tickets, Traffic Tickets, Violations

Many people watch fun car-racing movies and enjoy the thrill they feel from them. Some of these people think it might be possible to take their own cars out and race them in order to recreate that thrill in real life.  Unfortunately, unlike in the movie world, these actions can have very real and deadly consequences.  Below is an outline of the penalties that one could incur if they chose to race their own car on a highway in the state of NJ:

There are two statutes in the Motor Vehicle Code that makes it illegal to race on a highway.N.J.S.A. 39:4-52 makes it a motor vehicle offense to operate a vehicle on a highway for a wager or in a race or for the purpose of making a speed record. This violation is a disorderly persons offense. It is also a disorderly persons offense to arrange, manage, encourage, assist in, hold, or attempt to hold any such race or speed race even.


A driver who is convicted of N.J.S.A. 39:4-52 must pay a fine of not less than $27, nor more than $102 for a first offense.

For a second or subsequent offense of N.J.S.A. 39:4-52, the driver must pay a fine of not less than $102, nor more than $202.


In most racing cases the Municipal Court Judge will suspend a driver’s license for 30 days. A Municipal Court judge has the option of suspending the driver’s sentence for up to 2 years. The suspension period is left up to the discretion of the court. The key issue for the court to decide is whether the suspension was willful. Upon conviction of racing on the highway the driver will be assessed five points.


The bottom line is: Racing on public streets/highways is dangerous as well as very illegal.  Leave it to the professionals and the Hollywood movie teams!


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