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Move Over Laws by State

Author: admin  //  Category: Fines, Getting Pulled Over

Forty three states have passed “Move Over” laws, which require motorists to “Move Over” and change lanes to give safe clearance to law enforcement officers on roadsides.

More than 150 U.S. law enforcement officers have been killed since 1999 after being struck by vehicles along America’s highways, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. To lower that deadly toll, a new coalition of traffic safety and law enforcement groups is launching a nationwide public awareness campaign to protect emergency personnel along our nation’s roadsides.

Pic”Move Over, America” is a partnership originally founded in 2007 by the National Safety Commission, the National Sheriffs’ Association and the National Association of Police Organizations. Most recently, the partnership has also received the full support of the American Association of State Troopers. The campaign is the first nationally coordinated effort to educate Americans about “Move Over” laws and how they help protect the law enforcement officers who risk their lives protecting the public.

According to a national poll by Mason Dixon Polling & Research, sponsored by the National Safety Commission:
71 percent of Americans have not heard of “Move Over” laws;
86 percent support enacting “Move Over” laws in all 50 states; and
90 percent believe traffic stops and roadside emergencies are dangerous for law enforcement and first responders.
The poll was conducted among 625 registered voters from June 23-25. The margin of error is plus or minus 4 percent.

Visit Move Over America to learn about the laws in your state.


Fines for Driving too Slow

Author: admin  //  Category: Speeding Tickets, Traffic Tickets, Violations

What do you think about drivers being fined for driving too slowly? A Senator Donald Norcross wants to make sure slower drivers stay to the right, he hopes the legislation will help fight road rage. A bill in the New Jersey legislature would double the minimum fine for slowpoke drivers from $50 to $100, and the maximum fine would rise from $200 to $300. It was recently approved by New Jersey’s Senate Transportation Committee. New Jersey’s “keep right” law is already one of the toughest in the U.S.


Young N.J. Drivers Engage In Risky Behavior

Author: admin  //  Category: cell phone laws, Cell Phones, News, nj cellphone laws, NJ Traffic Laws, Other, Young Drivers

New Jersey’s least experienced drivers are engaging in increasingly risky behavior behind the wheel. The troubling revelation comes in a recent study by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind, co-sponsored by the state’s Division of Highway Traffic Safety.

The overall percentage of New Jersey drivers who report having sent a text message while driving has flattened out at 1 in 4 (25 percent). However, the study finds that among drivers under age 30, those who admit to texting while driving increased 8 points from a year ago (64 percent vs. 56 percent). The sobering fact is that younger drivers are more than twice as likely (17 percent) as any other age group to say they send texts “very often” while driving.

Similarly, while overall use of hand-held cellphones while driving (39 percent) has not increased over the past year, the percentage of drivers under the age of 30 saying they “very often” or “sometimes” use their hand-held cellphones while driving increased 10 percentage points (to 23 percent from 13 percent).

“Most drivers seem to have gotten the message that driving while talking or texting is a bad idea,” said Dan Cassino, the principal investigator, “but that doesn’t make the roads much safer if the least experienced drivers are more likely to be paying attention to something other than the road.”

There was also a decrease in the percentage of drivers under the age of 30 who report always wearing their seat belts when driving (83 percent), down 8 points from last year (91 percent). This decrease re-establishes the youngest age group as the least likely to buckle up when driving, after they had achieved parity in the measure last year.

Drivers under 30 are also less likely than others to use their seat belt when they are passengers. They are 11 points less likely than others to say that they always buckle up in the front passenger seat (79 percent) and 11 points less likely to say that they do so while in the back seat (40 percent). This too is down significantly from the 2010 figures (87 percent and 57 percent, respectively). “It is troubling that our youngest, most inexperienced drivers are the least likely to wear seat belts,” said Gary Poedubicky, acting director of New Jersey’s Division of Highway Traffic Safety. “For inexperienced drivers not to buckle up is a potentially deadly combination.”

One in 4 New Jersey drivers (26 percent) say they drive over 65 miles per hour on state highways “most of the time,” with another 1 in 4 (25 percent) saying that they do so “often.” One in 4 (25 percent) also say that they drive over 70 “most of the time” or “often.” Again, younger drivers cause concern: 64 percent say they regularly speed on highways, up from 56 percent a year ago. In addition, a third of drivers (34 percent) between 17 and 29 say they regularly go over 70 miles per hour on the highway, while only 22 percent of those aged 45-59 and 16 percent aged 60 and over say they do so.

About 1 in 5 New Jersey drivers (18 percent) admit to having consumed alcohol before driving, unchanged from last year’s figure. Once again, though, young drivers are significantly more likely than other age groups to say that they had driven after drinking, with 24 percent saying that they had done so, up 9 points from last year.

“Alcohol is a factor in 25 percent of our fatal crashes in New Jersey,” Poedubicky said. “A key reason for this is the mistaken belief on the part of people that they are OK to drive after having a few drinks.”

The number of drivers who have been involved in a crash has remained unchanged since 2008. About 1 in 6 drivers (16 percent) say they have been in a collision in the past three years. However, the figures include a significant increase in the proportion of drivers under 30 who say they have been in a collision: 28 percent, up from 21 percent last year.

One reassuring note may be that younger drivers may recognize their driving flaws, as they are significantly less likely (53 percent) than all other age groups to say they are “above average” drivers. “It’s good that younger drivers recognize that they’re not as good as others on the road,” said Cassino, “but it doesn’t seem to be leading them to drive any more carefully.”

The Fairleigh Dickinson University survey was co-sponsored by the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety and carried out by telephone from April 14, 2011, to May 17, 2011,using a randomly selected sample of 1,002 New Jersey residents aged 17 and over who report they drive regularly, including an oversample of drivers under the age of 30. It has a margin of error of +/-3 percentage points.



Author: admin  //  Category: Car Insurance, DMV / NJ MVC, DUI / DWI, Fines, NJ Traffic Laws, Non Moving Violation, Speeding Tickets, Surcharges, Traffic Tickets, Violations

Surcharges are fines assessed by MVC on an annual basis for drivers who have earned excessive points or committed a specific violation such as DUI. Surcharges are in addition to any court fines/penalties. If you have received a notice in the mail or discovered there is a lien on your property because of a surcharge, please call (609) 292-7500 for more information.

Why do you get surcharges?
Your record is reviewed every time points are added to it. If you accumulate six or more points within three years from your last posted violation, you will receive a $150 surcharge plus $25 for each additional point.

Additional surcharges may also apply:
$100 for driving without a license
$250 for driving with a suspended license
$100 for failure to insure a moped
$250 for operating an uninsured vehicle
$1,000 for DUI, 3 years
$1,000 for Refusal to take breathalyzer test, 3 years

If you do not pay your surcharges, MVC will suspend your driving privileges indefinitely and take action in the State Superior Court. This may include securing a lien against your property, garnishing your wages or other similar actions. Payment plans are available to MVC customers.

If you have surcharges that result from unpaid tickets or other unresolved legal issues, you will need to contact the court that is responsible for your case. For help determining which court you need to contact, call MVC Violations at (609) 292-7500.


Avoid Surcharges – Don’t drink underage, don’t drink and drive, don’t get caught in bad situations, resolve tickets in a timely manner, and insure your vehicle.


Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win

Author: admin  //  Category: Fighting a Traffic Ticket, How to Hire an Attorney, NJ Traffic Laws, Speeding Tickets, Traffic Court, Traffic Tickets

Everything you need to fight an unfair ticket!

We’ve all received one — a traffic ticket that seems completely unfair, the result of an officer’s evening quota rather than a serious moving violation. But do you have to pay the penalty and watch your driving record crash and burn?

Not if you choose to fight back with Beat Your Ticket.

Beat Your Ticket simply and clearly lays out the best strategies for beating tickets in court. The book explains in plain English how to:

use the law to fight an unwarranted ticket
find out what the police officer plans to say at your trial
attack radar and other detection methods
pick a jury
present your case
cross-examine the ticketing officer

The 6th edition is extensively updated to reflect your state’s current traffic laws and court procedures.
About the Author
David Brown practices law in the Monterey, California area, where he has represented both landlords and tenants in hundreds of court cases — most of which he felt could have been avoided if both sides were more fully informed about landlord/tenant law. Brown, a graduate of Stanford University (chemistry) and the University of Santa Clara Law School, also teaches law at the Monterey College of Law and is the author of Fight Your Ticket (CA version), Beat Your Ticket (the national version), The Landlord’s Law Book, Vol. 1: Rights and Responsibilities; The Landlord’s Law Book, Vol. 2: Evictions and co-author of How to Change Your Name in California and The Guardianship Book for California.


Beat Your Ticket: Go to Court & Win


Top 5 Ways To Prevent Getting Pulled Over

Author: admin  //  Category: cellphone, Fighting a Traffic Ticket, Getting Pulled Over, hands free devices, nj cellphone laws, NJ Traffic Laws, Non Moving Violation, Traffic Tickets

The best way to avoid getting a traffic ticket is avoid getting pulled over in the first place. In New Jersey there are a few tell tale ways to avoid getting pulled over and ticketed before a cop even spots a moving violation. Keep these in order and you may have a better chance of getting out of a ticket if you do get pulled over…

1. Keep your inspection sticker up to date. An out of date sticker is a big red flag waving “Pull me over and check me out”!

2. On that note, make sure your license is not expired and your car registration is up to date as well.

3. “Click it or Ticket” – Wear your seatbelt. Cops can see you and your passengers and can pull you over for it.

4. Get off the phone and drive. Talking on the cellphone is a first offense and can get you pulled over. Go hands-free or wait until you arrive at your destination. Same goes for texting, checking email, Facebook, etc…

5. Check your lights and cars exterior – you can get pulled over for a headlight or tail light out, driving with your headlights off at night or in the rain, etc.


Speeding Ticket Points

Author: admin  //  Category: Fighting a Traffic Ticket, NJ Traffic Laws, Traffic Court, Traffic Tickets

2 Point Speeding Tickets
Exceeding maximum speed 1-14 mph over limit

4 Point Speeding Tickets
Exceeding maximum speed 15-29 mph over limit

5 Point Speeding Tickets
Exceeding maximum speed 30 mph or more over limit


How To Choose A Traffic Attorney

Author: admin  //  Category: Traffic Attorneys, Traffic Lawyer

Choosing the best traffic ticket lawyer often means selecting one who focuses the bulk of his practice on traffic ticket cases. This usually translates to an attorney with significant experience in traffic ticket matters and detailed knowledge of the technicalities of having a fine dismissed or reduced. Choosing can prove difficult, however, as there are many lawyers who fit this description. You may use online reviews and recommendations from loved ones to help you choose well. Additionally, you may consider legal fees before making a decision.

If you are going to have an attorney go to traffic court on your behalf, you may be tempted to consider hiring a general lawyer. For example, you might consider asking the lawyer who helps you with legal documents to help you win your traffic ticket case. You may, however, have more confidence in a lawyer’s ability to win your case if his specialty is dealing with traffic tickets. A lawyer who focuses his practice on these types of cases may know how to use technicalities to have tickets dismissed or have your fines and penalties reduced. His experience in this area of law may, for instance, make it easier for him to ensure that you won’t have points added to your driving record.

While most lawyers do not guarantee their abilities to win cases for their clients, this matter is often different when it comes to traffic ticket lawyers. Some attorneys who specialize in helping people with traffic tickets do offer guarantees. You may find such a lawyer preferable, as you have the chance to get your money back if the traffic ticket case is not decided in your favor. For example, you might choose a traffic ticket lawyer who offers a money-back guarantee if he is not successful at having your traffic ticket dismissed, making sure your driving record won’t receive adverse marks, or having your fine reduced.

You can search for traffic ticket lawyers online or in phone directories. Often, they take out large ads in newspapers as well. You may find it difficult, however, to choose a traffic ticket lawyer based only on these advertisements. Instead, you may use online reviews to decide which traffic ticket lawyers are worth considering and which ones are better stricken from your list. You may also search peer review websites to learn what other lawyers think of the one you are considering. Additionally, if you have loved ones who have hired lawyers to help them with traffic tickets, you may ask them for recommendations.

Legal fees may also play a role in making your decision when you are trying to choose the best traffic ticket lawyer. You will most likely prefer an attorney with fees that are affordable, but you may also want to compare his fees to the fine you are expected to pay. Preferably, the attorney’s fees will be much less than the fine listed on your traffic ticket.


Move Over Law

Author: admin  //  Category: Fines, NJ Traffic Laws, Other, Traffic Tickets, Violations

The new law requires motor vehicle operators to reduce their speed and change lanes when approaching authorized vehicles displaying emergency lights. Such vehicles include police, fire and medical services vehicles, and also highway maintenance, tow trucks and official motorist aid vehicles displaying amber emergency lights. Where possible, drivers are required to move over to create an empty lane next to the emergency vehicle. When safely changing lanes is not possible, drivers must slow down below the posted speed limit prior to passing emergency vehicles. Drivers should also be prepared to stop, if necessary.

Fines for violating this law run from $100 to $500 and will be determined by the municipal court in which the violator is charged.


NJ Traffic Circle Rules

Author: admin  //  Category: NJ Traffic Laws, Traffic Circles, Traffic Tickets

In New Jersey you will find many traffic circle intersections. A traffic circle or rotary is a type of circular intersection in which traffic must travel in one direction around a central island. Traffic entering the circle has the right-of-way and drivers in the circle must yield.

The NJ traffic rules are, there are no rules:

“There are not set rules for driving into, around and out of a traffic circle in New Jersey,” the manual states. “Common sense and precaution must prevail at all times.”

So it is important to know the basic rules of all traffic circles.

1. Before arriving at the traffic circle, figure out which exit you will be taking as it will determine which lane you should use. If you are using the first or second exit, stay on the outside of the circle. If you are making a left through the circle or doing an essential U turn, take the inside lane until the exit before you need to leave. You can exit a traffic circle from the inside lane if you make a lane change just before, check for traffic and use a signal.

2. Drivers in the left lane inside the circle have the right of way. Drivers in the right lane inside the circle should be exiting the circle. In point 1, I mentioned that you could use either lane to navigate the circle but that the left lane should be used if you are heading to an exit that is past the 2nd one. If you chose to use the right lane, you MUST yield to traffic that is in the left lane that need to exit the circle.

3. When entering the circle, wait for cars to pass and enter.

If you get confused try to remember this:
1. Cars on the inside lane of the circle (left lane) have right of way
2. Cars on the outside lane of the circle (right lane) must yield to cars on the inside of circle who are exiting
3. When entering a circle, yield to oncoming traffic.

Courtesy rules:

Being courteous means allowing for the ‘zipper’ effect for incoming circle traffic when it is sensible to do so.

HAND SIGNALS ARE YOUR FRIEND! Use them to wave people you are allowing into a circle but keep in mind they may see oncoming outer lane traffic they must yield to so if it takes longer than 3 seconds for them to respond or move just go and don’t hold up traffic trying to be polite.

Maintain your speed but don’t exceed 25mph around a traffic circle. WIth 12 different traffic flow options, speeding through a circle is a great way to get in an accident.

When in doubt, stay in the middle lane of a circle, the far right lane is for exiting, not cruising.
